
Classroom Jobs & Chores Posters SS


File Size: 44 MB

Pages: 137 pages



Over 40 classroom jobs or household chores with simplified descriptions highlighting what they do, the type of skills, and the tools or supplies needed for the job. Also comes with a symbol support task analysis version. These are great for special education students that need visuals to practice essential life skills!

Ideas for use:

Jobs/Chores included: sweeping, wiping surfaces, vacuuming, drying dishes, wiping the whiteboard, cleaning windows 1 & 2, dusting, mopping 1 & 2, Dry mopping, washing dishes, scrubbing the toilet, taking out trash, folding laundry, putting away books, sorting recyclables, picking up after the pet 1 & 2, shredding documents, stacking chairs 1 & 2, putting away dishes, filing documents, setting up tables/chairs, setting up schedules, hanging clothes, laundry washing, coin laundry washing, making the bed, watering plants, restocking supplies, picking up lunches, making copies, charging devices, turning off devices, sharpening pencils, feeding the pet, documents in backpacks, assemble packets, wiping appliances, hang drying clothes, laundry drying, coin laundry drying, loading the dishwasher, opening/closing blinds, & laminating paper.

If you would like a specific job/chore added to this list, please email me at to send your ideas my way and I can update the file to include it!


Want the full money saving BUNDLE:
Classroom Jobs & Chores Posters & Worksheets BUNDLE


Before purchasing this product, please read the product description and check out the preview to determine if the resource is appropriate for your students.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me:


✔️ Copyrights reserved to F. Gonzalez (Adulting Made Easy aka Spedadulting).
✔️ This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom.
✖️ Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another.
✖️  No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
✔️  You will receive a discount when purchasing multiple licenses.
✖️   This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

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Product Reviews

from special educators

Theresa S.

This resource has been extremely beneficial. I teach students with moderate to severe disabilities who are on a certificate of completion for high school. This resource was helpful in establishing a routine for my students. Students remained engaged and enjoyed many of the activities. The consistency of the warm-ups allow for me to introduce students to working together appropriately and seeking help and support from peers not just teachers. The differentiated levels help save time and support students varying levels. Students remain engaged and it quickly hits on different life skills reviews.
Life Skills Daily Warm Up Worksheets BUNDLE

Christine S.

I love everything about this resource. There are enough activities to last a year. The lectures and digital activities are my favorite with the real photographs. My students are learning and there seems to be enless materials in this bundle. I also love the creative CBI (community based instruction) ideas that go beyond the typical scavenger hunt.
Vocation Units 1-12 Full Year MEGA Bundle + Supplemental Materials

Kaitlyn Dini (TpT Seller)

Adulting Made Easy makes the absolute perfect resources for my Life Skills students who are about to graduate. Her resources teach practical skills that they will use in their lives and they don't view as being too immature for them (which is common in sped). Thank you so much for creating these resources!

Stacey S.

As a teacher new to the role in vocational education, Adulting Made Easy's vocational products work great! It was an easy way for my students to understand various aspects of job searches and employment.   The vocational units saved me a ton of time by not having to create items on my own.

Erica B.

This was awesome to use with both my at-home learners and my in-person learners. I could use specific ones with our weekly theme during my vocational skills class. It was especially great at keeping my at-home kids engaged when I wasn't there to watch them.
Independent Skills - Boom Cards & Interactive PDF BUNDLE

Teaching Tiny Bugs (TpT Seller)

My students love using this resource for their morning work. I have many non writing students, so being able to engage in a lesson with them using drag and drop and visual icons is the reason this have become one of my favorite resources this year.
Morning Meeting Interactive Slides, Activities and Worksheets