As a special education teacher, assessments can help extract powerful information that helps us plan our curriculum as well as plan for our students’ futures. Student preferences as well as parent/caregiver input are also extremely important when planning for a student’s future, especially the career path they will follow (if this is part of their future goals). Getting to know a student’s strengths and preferences in the workplace will help in guiding the student to be successful in their career path. Below you will find a list comprised of free career & vocational assessments, checklists, rubrics, surveys and more, that you can use on the computer or print and use depending on your needs.
All of the links provided are assessments created by others (noted with each link) and lead to outside websites. If a link is not working – there is a chance it has been taken down or is no longer available.
Online/Digital Assessments:
123 Career Aptitude Test – Students will find out what career best fits their personality by learning what kind of work environments, occupations and skills suit them best. The results of this career assessment test provide you with a list of professions and occupations that fit their career personality and students on a career path.
California Career Zone – An interactive website with activities and assessments in career interest, work importance and skills profilers.
Career Quiz – This quiz estimates personal Interests and Usual Style, by having the student answer a series of questions. They will read each pair of phrases and decide which one of the two most describes them. Developed by the Princeton Review.
Career Interest Assessment – Online quiz developed by the Virginia Education Wizard where students will answer if they think they would like or not like various careers after reading a description of the job tasks.
Career Quiz – Online quiz developed by Wisconsin Technical College System where students will select their interests to identify which career areas might be a best fit for them.
Career Cluster Quiz – This survey lets students rate activities they enjoy, personal qualities, and school subjects they like. Then they can see which career clusters are a match for their interests. Developed by Minnesota State Careerwise.
Career Values Test -This test uses “cards” with statements about different aspects of work. Students will read and sort the cards into groups based on how important the statement on each card is to them on their ideal job — the kind of job they would most like to have. Created by MyPlan.
Digital Literacy Assessment – This digital assessment defines the basic skills needed to use a computer and the internet in daily life, employment, and higher education developed by NorthStar.
DISC Personality Test – This assessment is great for identifying personality traits & preferences that will direct students on an ideal career path and getting to know one self better.
Find Your Strengths! Assessment – This short rating scale helps students determine which intelligences are strongest for them, developed by Dr. Terry Armstrong
Holland Code Career Quiz – This quiz uses the Holland Code system to show students which jobs will suit their interests, talents, and aptitude. Get scores for 6 major job areas to guide their career planning.
Interests Quiz – This quiz helps students identify their interests and guide them toward career options that are suitable. Created by Do2Learn.
Interest Assessment – Students identify what they do and don’t like to do to discover careers that may interest them – Developed by Career One Stop.
O*NET® Interest Profiler – A family of self-assessment career exploration tool that can help clients discover the type of work activities and occupations that they would like and find exciting. Clients identify and learn about broad interest areas most relevant to themselves. They can use their interest results to explore the world of work.
O*NET® Work Importance Locator™– A self-assessment career exploration tool that allows clients to pinpoint what is important to them in a job. It helps people identify occupations that they may find satisfying based on the similarity between their work values (such as achievement, independence, and conditions of work) and the characteristics of the occupations.
Skills Matchmaker – Students identify their skills to discover careers that would be a good fit – Developed by Career One Stop.
TransitionTN– This website has interactive lessons for students that support transition instruction, Short videos to introduce transition topics, Role-play scenarios providing decision-making experiences, Supporting activities that require students to apply their knowledge in the classroom and community, Coursework that can be added to student’s transition portfolio.
Washington Career Bridge – Career interest quiz and career resources.
Work Values Matcher – Students rate their work values/preferences – Developed by Career One Stop.
Work Values Quiz – Students will identify what they need from a jobby ranking the things that are most important to them in a job. By Virginia Education Wizard
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Paper Assessments:
Career Clueless – Interest inventory by Champlain Valley Educational Services made for middle school students.
Career Interest Survey – With this paper assessment developed by UCanGo2, Students will circle different tasks they would rather do to find out their career interest areas.
Career Cruiser – Assessments to chart students’ future, passion survey, career cluster, value discovery, personality, and skills for the workplace developed by the Florida Department of Education. Also includes career exploration activities and planning tools.
Community Based Functional Skills – Observation and assessment tools by the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Education developed for individuals on the Autism spectrum. The assessment measures in the areas of home, leisure/rectreation, and work.
Community Work Site Evaluation – This paper assessment developed by Northern Road Island Collaborative is for job coaches or teachers to evaluate and rate the student in various job skills areas.
High School Transition Survey – This paper assessment focuses on interests, preferences, strengths & needs pertaining to jobs, academics, community participation, rec & leisure, and independent living skills. Developed by Erie’s Public Schools.
9th-12th Grade Employability Skills Rubric – A rating scale that can be used by job coaches or teachers. Creator unknown.
Employability/Life Skills Assessment – This rating scale is filled out by teachers in the areas of self help, task related skills, quatity of work, general work habits, quality of work, relationships, work attitudes, and employability skills developed by TransitionTN.
Employment Support Indicators -This guide aims to help gain access to a person’s preferences and support needs to help identify potential support needs in the working environment and to promote employment developed by University of Oklahoma Health Science Center.
Functional Skills Transition Assessment – An extensive list of functional skills that asks the evaluator to rate mastery. Also includes Vocational evaluation on page 16. Creator unknown.
JobTIPS Self Assessment – Students will answer if always, sometimes or rarely perform a list of tasks or behaviors. Created by Learn2Do.
JobTIPS Caregiver/Teacher Assessment – Parents, caregiver, teacher or someone trusted will answer if the student always sometimes or rarely perform a list of tasks or behaviors. Created by Learn2Do.
Pictorial Interest Survey – This inventory uses pictures to assess career interests. Great for individuals with limited reading skills. By Champlain Valley Educational Services.
Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters® – Developed by Career Tech and comes in English and Spanish versions.
Available in Spanish:
Employment Support Indicators -This guide aims to help gain access to a person’s preferences and support needs to help identify potential support needs in the working environment and to promote employment developed by University of Oklahoma Health Science Center.
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