About The Blogger:
This classroom tour was provided by Erin Berich, Independent Living Skills teacher for 24.5 years.
Leaf Wall
Our leaf wall near the transition to the calm corner.

Job assignments are posted on the board each morning along with the visual schedule.
Teacher Desk
My teacher desk (it rarely looks this neat and clean!)
Morning Arrival
Each morning at arrival students complete a morning calendar page and set up their visual schedule.
Student Supply Cart
Each student has their own supply cart at their desk. They have school supplies (pencils, glue, scissors, etc…) as well as any adapted or sensory items that they may need throughout the day.
Task Boxes
These are some of our vocational task boxes. There are 5 categories of boxes and students are assigned a color/category for each day of the week. The five categories are retail, food services, clerical/technology, agriculture/building, and fulfillment.
The vocational task boxes also have coordinating labels for the Holland Scale that they see in their picture interest inventory that we do for their ITP.
There is also a daily reflection form for students to check in with and reflect on which boxes they completed and how they liked them.
Calm Corner
Here is our calm corner where students can sit in a rocking chair, cuddle with weighted items, use a weighted blanket, lounge, or sit with a friend.
This is the touchable sensory art that I created for our calm corner.