As a special education teacher, assessments can help extract powerful information that helps us plan our curriculum as well as plan for our students’ futures. Student IEP goal baselines should be based on various types of assessments to get the most accurate information. Student preferences as well as parent/caregiver input are also extremely important when planning for a student’s future (in particular, their Transition Plan). Below you will find a list comprised of free assessments, checklists, rubrics, surveys and more, that you can use on the computer or print and use depending on your needs.
All of the links provided are assessments created by others (noted with each link) and lead to outside websites. If a link is not working – there is a chance it has been taken down or is no longer available.
Digital Assessments:
College & Career Framework Student Assessments – Digital assessments that measure perceptions, knowledge, skills and application of skills for assertiveness, conflict management, self-efficacy, self-regulation and competency.
TransitionTN– This website has interactive lessons for students that support transition instruction, Short videos to introduce transition topics, Role-play scenarios providing decision-making experiences, Supporting activities that require students to apply their knowledge in the classroom and community, Coursework that can be added to student’s transition portfolio.
Post Secondary Transition Plan Creator – This app will help students create a PTP by clicking on mulitple choice options. Created by WiTransition.
What is your learning style? – This digital test helps students identify their learning preferences so they can learn efficiently. Created by LDPride.
Preferences for Leisure Attributes (PLA) Assessment – This digital assessment identifies student leisure intersts and preferences. Created by kundalinisoftware.
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Printable Assessments:
A Quickbook of Transition Assessments – A printable booklet of transition planning assessments in the areas of employment, Independent Living, Recreation & Leisure, Community participation, and post-secondary & life long learning. Developed by Robin Cline, Special Education Program Representative – Dave Halverson, Bev Petersen, Barb Rohrbach, Transition Services Liaison Project.
AIR Self-Determination Assessment – Student, parent, and educator versions of the scale developed by The American Institutes for Research. This assessment produces a profile of the student’s level of self-determination, identifies areas of strength and areas needing improvement, identifies specific educational goals that can be incorporated into the student’s IEP.
ARC Self-Determination Scale – A student self-report measure to identify student strengths and areas of support and instructional need in self-determination.
Casey Life Skills Toolkit – Assessment tools for independent living in the areas of Daily living and self-care activities, Maintaining healthy relationships, Work and study habits, Using community resources, Money management, Computer literacy and online safety, Civic engagement, and Navigating the child welfare system.
College Readiness Assessment – In this paper assessment, students will identify their skills in various areas to determine colllege readiness developed by Southern Utah University.
Community Based Functional Skills – Observation and assessment tools by the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Education developed for individuals on the Autism spectrum. The assessment measures in the areas of home, leisure/recreation, and work.
Employability/Life Skills Assessment – This rating scale is filled out by teachers in the areas of self help, task-related skills, quality of work, general work habits, quality of work, relationships, work attitudes, and employability skills developed by TransitionTN.
Functional Skills Transition Assessment – An extensive list of functional skills that asks the evaluator to rate mastery. Also includes Vocational evaluation. Creator unknown.
High School Transition Survey – This paper assessment focuses on interests, preferences, strengths & needs pertaining to jobs, academics, community participation, rec & leisure, and independent living skills. Developed by Erie’s Public Schools.
Independent Living Skills Checklist – This assessment includes checklists for dressing, hygiene, eating, cooking, household chores & repairs, safety & emergency and more. Created by Michigan Department of Education.
OHSU Adolescent Autonomy Checklist – This checklist focuses on self care skills and the ability to perform tasks independently.
Parent Interview – This printable parent interview focused on areas of independent living, strengths/preferences, social/communication, academic, recreation & leisure, community, and work. Helpful for the teacher and IEP team. Created by Independent School District 318.
Parent Transition Survey – This printable surveys parents to gather information about their experiences, needs, and challenges during the transition to parenthood. By M.E. Morningstar.
Personal Preference Indicator – A guide to accessing information about a person’s preference in the areas of favorites, feelings, social world, self-determination, health and more. Created by Center for Learning and Leadership.
Secondary School Success Checklist – An evaluation of student skills completed by staff, families, and students. Designed by the CSESA team, the SSSC is a tool that can support teams in identifying priority goals related to independence and behavior, transition, social competence, and academic skills (with a focus on literacy).
Self Help and Functional Skills Checklist– A printable checklist for parents/caregivers to fill out that describes their child’s ability to perform functional skills.
Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Skills Questionnaire – This paper questionnaire assesses the student’s ability to effectively advocate for themselves. Developed by Robert J. Miller, Richard C. Lombard, and Stephanie A. Corbey, © 2007, Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Self-Determination Checklist – This printable assessment asks educators to rate or answer questions in relation to a student’s self-determination skills. Created by I’m Determined Project.
Self-Determination Inventory – This report is designed for people ages 18 and over with and without disabilities and asks adults questions about how they feel about their ability to be self-determined; that is to make choices, set and go after goals, and make decisions.
Study Skills Inventory – A printable rating scale for the student designed to gain a better understanding of themselves as a learner. By South Central College.
Transition Goals Independent Living Assessment – Measures the ability to perform everyday tasks and manage typical challenges. Created by Arkansas Transition Services.
Tool for Developing a Vision For Transition to Adulthood – This printable tool helps students form a vision and plan for their future in the areas of employment, community, social, healthy living, safety, advocacy, family, and services. Developed by Milestones Autism Resources.
Transition Skills Inventory – A printable checklist in the areas of communication, self-awareness, self-advocacy, activities of daily living, safety, vision/hearing, nutrition & fitness, recreation & socialization, transportation, legal & financial issues, medical care, insurance, appointments, medications, equipment, work and higher education. By Wisconsin Community of Practice on Transition Practice Group on Health.
Available in Spanish:
AIR Self-Determination Assessment – Student, parent, and educator versions of the scale developed by The American Institutes for Research. This assessment produces a profile of the student’s level of self-determination, identifies areas of strength and areas needing improvement, identifies specific educational goals that can be incorporated into the student’s IEP.
Casey Life Skills Toolkit – Assessment tools for independent living in the areas of Daily living and self-care activities, Maintaining healthy relationships, Work and study habits, Using community resources, Money management, Computer literacy and online safety, Civic engagement, and Navigating the child welfare system.
Personal Preference Indicator – A guide to accessing information about a person’s preference in the areas of favorites, feelings, social world, self-determination, health and more. Created by Center for Learning and Leadership.
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