Having a student business has SO MANY benefits. Depending on what your product or service is, you have the opportunity to practice independence, money math, cooking, responsibility, and so much more! In this series, various guest bloggers (teachers & special educators) will share ... READ the POST
Dollar Tree Recycle Sorting Activities
The Dollar Tree has many useful and affordable educational resources. On a teacher's budget, even though a resource might only cost me $1, I still like to try and find ways to make the resource last a long time. This Recycle Activity Kit has been at the Dollar Tree for some time. It comes with 4 ... READ the POST
Student Business Ideas For Special Education
Having a student business has SO MANY benefits. Depending on what your product is, you have the opportunity to practice independence, money math, cooking, responsibility, and so much more! For classrooms that do not have to focus on academics as much, this is the perfect place to start! ... READ the POST
Community Based Instruction (CBI) Ideas for Special Education
Community-based instruction is such a valuable learning tool for special education students. The more you can get out into the community, the more you can practice hands-on life skills! If you're teaching in an adult transition classroom, you should prioritize going out into the community a ... READ the POST
Classroom and On Campus Job Ideas
Classroom jobs can be extremely beneficial to every student! There are a number of ways to implement classroom/on-campus jobs. You can have jobs assigned throughout the day, or you can designate a specified time to complete the tasks. Put it on the class schedule Unless it is ... READ the POST
Cooking & Cleaning IEP Goal Ideas
There are endless number of life skills IEP goals out there, it's just a matter of finding what your student and their family want to focus on. It's all about getting to know your student, their future goals, and collaborating with parents/caregivers on what areas they find important. Some ... READ the POST