BLOG: Worry free sub plans for the life skills classroom

Worry-Free Sub Plans for the Life Skills Classroom

Sub plans are materials and instructions left by a teacher for a substitute teacher to follow in the event that the teacher is absent. The purpose of sub plans is to ensure that there is continuity in the learning process and that students are engaged in meaningful activities, even when their regular teacher is not present.

Sub plans typically include information such as the class schedule, classroom procedures, emergency procedures, and the names of students who may require extra attention. They also include detailed instructions for the substitute teacher to follow, including lesson plans, worksheets, and other instructional materials that will be used during the day.

When creating sub-plans, it is important to ensure that they are clear, concise, and easy to follow. The more detailed the plans are, the easier it will be for the substitute teacher to carry out the instructions and keep the class on track.  Iโ€™m not going to lie though โ€“ itโ€™s almost more work for a teacher to make sub plans, so oftentimes we feel extra stress when calling out sick.  It doesnโ€™t have to be this way though.  Through trial and error throughout the years, Iโ€™ve come up with a worry-free sub-plan that can be used interchangeably anytime throughout the year with little to no updating or prepping (once youโ€™ve set it up).

Here are some tips for creating a worry-free sub plan and keep scrolling for a FREEBIE!

Stick to the schedule (as best as possible)

Itโ€™s important to emphasize and discuss with your staff (and on your sub plans) to stick to the schedule. With the teacher being out, this is already a change in routine, things can get more chaotic if the schedule is completely turned around or if there is too much downtime.


Have routines in place. If youโ€™re reading this and itโ€™s the beginning of the year, start this from day 1! If itโ€™s the middle of the year, itโ€™s not too late to start a routine though. I personally have a morning routine and end-of-day routine in my classroom that the students are familiar with. Having routines will help take some of the cumbersome planning out of sub-plans.

To check out ideas and resources for a MORNING ROUTINE, click here.

To check out ideas and resources for an END OF DAY ROUTINE, click here.


If you have paraprofessionals in your classroom, they are an essential part of the team and ensure the daily schedule continues to go as planned. When it comes to having a sub, oftentimes your paraprofessionals are the ones that know the class the best and will help run the class while you are out. Making sure they are prepared will help your class run smoothly when you are out. Donโ€™t blindside your staff by just leaving a sub plan on your desk. While your sub plan should be clear and concise enough for a sub to carry out your plans, itโ€™s helpful to frontload your paraprofessionals on what your expectation are and answer any questions they might have.

Library of Resources

First, you will want to build up your library of resources and have them organized and easy to access.  This can include task cards, file folders, task boxes, worksheets and so on. Make sure to meet with your support staff to go over where each of these resources are, how to use them and so on. Building a library of resources takes a lot of time and/or money. Utilize your paraprofessionals and even your students to help you prep these resources. Many students enjoy cutting, laminating or applying velcro.

Want to build up your library of resources? Check out these bundles:

Once you have a plethora of activities available, you can implement activity rotations (eg. 11:00 station 1 is file folders, station 2 is task cards, station 3 is task boxes) or designated times to have everyone concentrate on one type of activity (eg. 11:00 choose 4 file folders)

Google Chrome Folders

This is where I house my morning routine, digital lessons, and end-of-day routine! I use these folders every day and the best part is that I can change/edit the folders from a remote location (for example if I am sick at home).

First, you will want to create a โ€œSUBโ€ or separate Google account (which is free). Once you have done that, you can start saving folders onto your Google Chrome bookmarks bar. If you switch to another Google account, there will be none or different folders on the bookmarks bar according to which account you are logged into. Beware โ€“ donโ€™t use your personal Google account to do this, or else your sub/class will have access to your email and other personal items like you search historyโ€ฆetc. Keep it separate and create a dedicated โ€œsubโ€ account.

To create a folder in Google Chrome to organize your bookmarks, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Google Chrome on your computer.
  2. Right-click on the bookmarks bar.
  3. Click Add Folderโ€ฆ (Name it Meeting 1 or the meeting time)
  4. After creating a folder, you can drag and drop the Address Bar (URL) into the folder.

You can save web pages in your folder, Google Slides, and even documents that are opened in a web browser or apps like Kami.

Digital Activities

If youโ€™re not already on team digital activities, you should definitely consider implementing more digital activities into your lessons! Not only are they engaging for students, but they are typically no prep, and save paper! There are many different formats of digital activities and you and your students might have different preferences on which you use.

CLICK HERE to check out the different types of formats out there, and ideas on how to use them within the classroom.

Below, I am going to go more in-depth about Boom Cards because their platform gives some options that are great for sub plans.

What are BOOM CARDS?

Cloud-based (internet required) digital resources.  Boom cards play on modern browsers. Free player apps are also available.  To use Boom Cards, YOU MUST OPEN AT LEAST A FREE Boom Learning Account.

  • Internet is needed to play Boom Cards.
  • Compatible on the computer, tablet, smart board, phone.
  • After selecting an answer, it gives immediate positive reinforcement for correct answers, and redirection for incorrect answers with the option of โ€œcorrectโ€ or โ€œincorrectโ€ sound also.
  • Fastplay option: A shortcut for students to play right away.  Student accounts/login NOT required (but does not generate a report)
  • Hyperplay option: Prompts students to sign in (generates report)
  • Fastplay and Hyperplay options can be posted as an assignment on online platforms like Google Classroomโ„ข or Microsoft Teamsโ„ข, Seesawโ€ฆetc.

So what I like about Boom Cards is you can create student accounts. On top of that, you can create a โ€œsubโ€ account under one of the student accounts. Rather than giving the sub your login information for your account โ€“ they can just access activities you assign โ€“ to their โ€œsubโ€ account.


Pictured above is the sub-plan clipboard I leave on the bulletin near my desk that is ready to access even in the event that I do not know ahead of time I will be absent (sudden sickness or emergencyโ€ฆetc). What I have on my sub plan might look different to what you will have yours depending on the subjects you teach, the level your students are at, the subscriptions you have (eg. N2Y, Boom Cardsโ€ฆetc), the resources you have and so on.

Along with the plan that is pictured above, I provide a full day/week schedule(s), visual instructions on how to access a few things, and then a binder with emergency contact info, allergiesโ€ฆetc. A suggestion of additional items to include with your sub plans is included in the free download below along with visuals, and recommended resources to use for the sub.


Thanks for reading!

Fiona Signature

Product Reviews

from special educators

Theresa S.

This resource has been extremely beneficial. I teach students with moderate to severe disabilities who are on a certificate of completion for high school. This resource was helpful in establishing a routine for my students. Students remained engaged and enjoyed many of the activities. The consistency of the warm-ups allow for me to introduce students to working together appropriately and seeking help and support from peers not just teachers. The differentiated levels help save time and support students varying levels. Students remain engaged and it quickly hits on different life skills reviews.
Life Skills Daily Warm Up Worksheets BUNDLE

Christine S.

I love everything about this resource. There are enough activities to last a year. The lectures and digital activities are my favorite with the real photographs. My students are learning and there seems to be enless materials in this bundle. I also love the creative CBI (community based instruction) ideas that go beyond the typical scavenger hunt.
Vocation Units 1-12 Full Year MEGA Bundle + Supplemental Materials

Kaitlyn Dini (TpT Seller)

Adulting Made Easy makes the absolute perfect resources for my Life Skills students who are about to graduate. Her resources teach practical skills that they will use in their lives and they don't view as being too immature for them (which is common in sped). Thank you so much for creating these resources!

Stacey S.

As a teacher new to the role in vocational education, Adulting Made Easy's vocational products work great! It was an easy way for my students to understand various aspects of job searches and employment.   The vocational units saved me a ton of time by not having to create items on my own.

Erica B.

This was awesome to use with both my at-home learners and my in-person learners. I could use specific ones with our weekly theme during my vocational skills class. It was especially great at keeping my at-home kids engaged when I wasn't there to watch them.
Independent Skills - Boom Cards & Interactive PDF BUNDLE

Teaching Tiny Bugs (TpT Seller)

My students love using this resource for their morning work. I have many non writing students, so being able to engage in a lesson with them using drag and drop and visual icons is the reason this have become one of my favorite resources this year.
Morning Meeting Interactive Slides, Activities and Worksheets